
Syntax Highlight and Themes

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there a way to change the theming of the syntax highlight? Also, is there a list with the available languages and its codes for the CodeEditorControl.HighlightingLanguage property? I love the way it blends with the new windows 11 look of WinUI 3, I will absolutely be using this in current my projects

The following languages are currently built in:

ID Language
cpp C++
csharp C#
html HTML
javascript JavaScript
json JSON
xml XML
plaintext Plain text

You can also use any of the lexers built-in to Lexilla, but this is a more manual process. The rest of these lexers are planned to be usable from the HighlightingLanguage property later.

The colors can be individually overridden by calling the style APIs when responding to the SyntaxHighlightingApplied event. There is no API for changing the entire theme at this time. There could be integration with VS Code themes in the future.

Thanks for your comments