
Getting Live Video Stream from onvif Devices

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Im trying to get live stream from onvif devices my program searchs and finds cameras IP and onvif Port successfully, but in the next step to get device information i face this error :

there was no endpoint listening at http://onvif_host:port/onvif/device_service that could accept the message.this often cause by an incorrect address or SOAP action.

what shall i do from now?

1 {
2 "NetworkAdapters" : ["awdl0","eth0", "wlan0", "en0"],
3 "IpAddress" : "onvif_host_IP",
4 "ServicePort" : 8081,
5 "Username" : "pi",
6 "Password" : "raspberry",
7 "CameraType" : "usbcam",
8 "CameraDevice" : "/dev/video0",
9 "RTSPAddress" : "", "//":"Normally left blank. Used to set RTSP Server Address",
10 "RTSPPort" : 8554,
11 "RTSPName" : "h264",
12 "MulticastEnabled" : false, "MulticastEnabledComment" : "## Multicast is not supported for USB camera",
13 "RTSPMulticastName" : "h264m",
14 "MulticastAddress" : "",
15 "MulticastPort" : "10001",
16 "RTSPServer" : 3, "RtspServerComment" : "## Select RTSP Server > 1:RPOS RTSP Server 2:V4L2 RTSP Server by mpromonet (auto selected if MulticastEnabled=true)",
17 "PTZDriver" : "none", "PTZDriverComment": "## valid values are none,tenx,pelcod,visca and pan-tilt-hat",
18 "PTZOutput" : "none", "PTZOutputComment": "## values are none (eg Tenx), serial and tcp",
19 "PTZSerialPort" : "/dev/ttyUSB0",
20 "PTZSerialPortSettings" : { "baudRate":2400, "dataBits":8, "parity":"none", "stopBits":1 },
21 "PTZOutputURL": "",
22 "PTZCameraAddress": 1,
23 "DeviceInformation" : {
24 "Manufacturer" : "Raspberry Pi",
25 "Model" : "3 B",
26 "HardwareId" : ""
27 },
28 "logLevel" : 3, "logLevelComment": "## LogLevels are > 1:Error 2:Warning 3:Info 4:Debug",
29 "logSoapCalls" : false
30 }