
Waveshare pan-tilt-hat on pi4 communication through onvif in frigate (hassio)

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Hi everybody!

my objective: detection and autotracking with ov5647 picam on waveshare pt-hat on pi4 / 4GB or pi zero2 using rpos onvif

this is a user-specified issue, so afaik no bug or similar because regarding the guides and docs it should work, but I'm not 100% sure.

the pt-hat (servos) works with the common waveshare or other py library when calling the scripts on pi4 or zero, so everything works locally. during installation (buster and bullseye) with the mounted pt-equipment apart from warnings everything runs ok and finally the rpos-onvif interface works, getting rtsp-stream form mediamtx (instead of the rpos rtsp streamer) and serves the streams in frigate(hassio) hacs integration, installed on another pi5, so the cams work in frigate with onvif protocol except the pt-control :-(
I'm not sure what the rpos ptz-driver needs to address the pt-servos, if some kind of (waveshare) py-script, controlling the servos, needs to run in order to handle communication with rpos ptz-driver (like that: ) or if the rpos ptz driver itself communicates with the pt-hat, this I also found somewhere, but can't find anymore :-)

Running hawkeye217/ script gives this:

YES - GetServiceCapabilities shows that the camera supports MoveStatus.
NO - MoveStatus not reporting IDLE or MOVING.
NO - RelativeMove Pan/Tilt is unsupported.
NO - RelativeMove Zoom is unsupported.

maybe someone has a similar configuration (must be :-) and give me a hint ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

.... meanwhile I think the issue is the camera itself, it's a china device ๐Ÿ™„
according to arducam wiki these raspi-cams support onvif-compliant ptz support (I think ONVIF Profile S and T):
5MP OV5647 -> my model
8MP IMX219
12MP IMX477
and Hawkeye

so my question also is: does the rpos interface turn any rtsp cam (also those which are officially not onvif Profile S/T capable) into an onvif-ptz compliant device OR is a officially onvif compliant device necessary?

in my case the ONVIF compliant arducam product SKU for the ov5647 cam would be: B01675MP and from my cam I only know that it's an OV5647.

attached config & log-files and v4l2-ctl --all output: