
New feature?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

A cool new feature I thought of that would involve two more "/" commands
-/pfp to change the profile picture of "Friday" Bot
-/name to change the name of the "Friday" Bot

I feel this would get more users for the Friday Bot. Either way it is a great bot, I admire your work so far


I guess you mean how nitro users can change their PFP per server. Sadly this isn't possible yet AFAIK, but I think more profile customizations for bots are planned by Discord.


Yeah, that's something that I could add, but the way that Friday currently see's its name is just the nickname of the bot on a server, so I'm not sure it's necessary. What do you think?

Thanks, I'm really glad that people like Friday!

Thanks, changed the nickname. Hopefully in time we will be able to change bot pfps in discord and this will become possible.

No problem, When/if that feature gets released, that is definitely something I'm going to add.

@kolmercm I was suggested a really cool idea for how I can implement the profile picture feature, through webhooks. This is currently live and with a current setup chat channel you can use !chatchannel webhook true

Yo, good stuff! I will definitely see what I can do with this. Thanks so much for your work and time 💪🏻