
Feature Request: Auto-Note Obvious Enemy Abilities

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I'd like to request a feature be added to the NDS tracker that is present in the GBA one (

With that tracker, if an enemy pokemon's ability activates in a visible way, the tracker automatically adds their ability to that mon's data (with a ? for the other ability if it's not also known). It gets filled in the same field that it would be for the player's pokemon.

For example, a drizzle pokemon causes rain. Drizzle will be tracked without needing to manually put in a note. Rough skin, static, trace, etc as well. Basically, any ability that creates a text box in game confirming that it's there.

This wouldn't expose extra information to the player before they could know it, it's mainly a quality of life/time saving thing so you don't have to open the text box and put it in the notes each time. Especially for playing on a controller, this would be a very appreciated feature to equalize across the various Ironmon Trackers.

Thank you for your consideration!

I'm not against ability tracking in general, but where would it go? Considering trainers in Gen V can have three abilities, it's hard to imagine where that would fit.

If you have any ideas, let me know!