
Variable names can't contain a . (period / dot)

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When using the Database plugin and selecting records a field name could contain a . (period / dot). Variable names use the dot for selecting sub variables. "" is a valid variable name. We need to support dots inside of variable names.

SELECT GameBoards.Id, GameBoardsWords.Id
FROM GameBoards
LEFT JOIN GameBoardsWords ON (GameBoardsWords.GameBoardsId = GameBoards.Id)

Database fields become Variable names in flows. This currently won't work.

There is a work around for the Database issue. You need to rename the fields in the SELECT statement.

SELECT GameBoards.Id AS GbId, GameBoardsWords.Id AS GbwId
FROM GameBoards
LEFT JOIN GameBoardsWords ON (GameBoardsWords.GameBoardsId = GameBoards.Id)

Variable names look like this:
Think I will wrap variable names with periods in it with parentheses like this:
So if parentheses are encountered in the variable name it will know to ignore all periods inside the parentheses

I debated with myself what characters to use to wrap. I considered the following: [...], {...}, '...', "...", <...>, (...)
There is no particular reason why I selected parentheses, I just liked it best.