
Airbrake API Ruby Client

Primary LanguageRuby

Airbrake API Build Status Dependency Status

A ruby client for the Airbrake API

Changes in 4.0

AirbrakeAPI has been completely rewritten in 4.0. Why the high version number? This was the first gem I ever wrote and it's wandered a path that started with ActiveResource, followed by HTTParty, and now Faraday. Along the way, AirbrakeAPI has lost it's ActiveRecord-like syntax for a more concise and simple API. Instead of using classes such as AirbrakeAPI::Error, the entire API is contained within AirbrakeAPI::Client.

The following classes and their methods are now deprecated:

  • AirbrakeAPI::Error
  • AirbrakeAPI::Notice
  • AirbrakeAPI::Project

While your code will continue to work using the old API, they will ultimately be removed in favor of AirbrakeAPI::Client.


AirbrakeAPI can be configured by passing a hash to the configure method:

AirbrakeAPI.configure(:account => 'anapp', :auth_token => 'abcdefg', :secure => true)

or via a block:

AirbrakeAPI.configure do |config|
  config.account = 'anapp'
  config.auth_token = 'abcdefg'
  config.secure = true

Note: Airbrake's API utilizes a separate 'auth_token' than the API Key that is used to configure the Airbrake tracker. Your 'auth_token' is found on the bottom of the user settings page.

Finding Errors

Errors are paginated, the API responds with 25 at a time, pass an optional params hash for additional pages:

AirbrakeAPI.errors(:page => 2)

To find an individual error, you can find by ID:


Finding Notices

Find all notices of an error:


Notices may be paginated. If you don't want to retrieve all notices and merely want a specific page:

AirbrakeAPI.notices(error_id, :page => 3)

Find an individual notice:

AirbrakeAPI.notice(notice_id, error_id)

To resolve an error via the API:

AirbrakeAPI.update(1696170, :group => { :resolved => true})

Recreate an error:

STDOUT.sync = true
AirbrakeAPI.notices(error_id) do |batch|
  batch.each do |notice|
    result = system "curl --silent '#{notice.request.url}' > /dev/null"
    print (result ? '.' : 'F')


To retrieve a list of projects:



To retrieve a list of deployments:


Connecting to more than one account

While module-based configuration will work in most cases, if you'd like to simultaneously connect to more than one account at once, you can create instances of AirbrakeAPI::Client to do so:

client = AirbrakeAPI::Client.new(:account => 'myaccount', :auth_token => 'abcdefg', :secure => true)
altclient = AirbrakeAPI::Client.new(:account => 'anotheraccount', :auth_token => '123456789', :secure => false)




If an error is returned from the API, an AirbrakeError exception will be raised. Successful responses will return a Hashie::Mash object based on the data from the response.
