
Error after installing plugin

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I have installed your plugin , following your docs but I got the following error:

Warning (2): Missing argument 2 for Taxonomy\Model\Behavior\TaxonomyFinderBehavior::Taxonomy\Model\Behavior{closure}(), called in /Users/admin/Sites/cake3.1/acme3.1/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Datasource/QueryTrait.php on line 490 and defined [ROOT/plugins/Taxonomy/src/Model/Behavior/TaxonomyFinderBehavior.php, line 49]

In the edit.ctp I have the following

$this->Taxonomy->input('tag', $nodeEntity, ['label' => __('Tags')]);

Could you please help me fixing this issue?

Thank you


Bridn commented

I did not test it on 3.1 but you can check if you have terms object and array in your $nodeEntity debug

Hi I have tried to work on it but I cannot make it work

And there is a problem with helper too:

Fatal error: Class 'App\View\Helper\AppHelper' not found in ....../plugins/Taxonomy/src/View/Helper/TaxonomyHelper.php on line 6

which can be fixed by adding

use Cake\View\Helper;

And debugging afterwards when save happens, in TermsTable function addAndSync there is any $entity->Taxonomy to work on so it wont never work

Hello I was able to make it work.
If you are interested I can follow modifications

Bridn commented

Hello Rudy,

Thank you for your message, Could you do a pull request for this ?