
Add a Notification for the people to set up social recovery before linking the BrightID with the Fairdrop Site.

monomesa opened this issue · 2 comments

As Social Recovery accouts are getting 80 more bright, we should encourage people to set it up before linking their BrightID to the fairdrop site.

What I thought about it is:

When people click to link their BrightID there should be a Warning, or a pop up telling them:
"If you set up your social recovery BEFORE you link, you will get 80 $Bright Tokens, If you don't set it up you lose the chance to claim them"


@monomesa I thought people only gonna receive the additional $Bright on the future airdrop, not at the moment. that's what I got from our conversation.

but I like the pop up idea

Display ideas:

  1. To display it as pop up when user click the button to link their BrightID
  2. As a one-line banner on top of the BrightID linking section (it's called announcement bar).

Announcement bar example: