
Best practice for running multiple controllers?

SnowyStarSky opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey! What is the best practice for running multiple controllers?

I have a python script to farm some stuff in game for me on 2 switches.
To achieve this i run the call the script with different args in 2 seperate terminals.
I am passing the specific adapter path (path got from nx.get_available_adapters() ) to the create_controller function, but hci1 does not work.

Is this an issue because hci0 is an internal bluetooth adapter (running on a laptop)? I can purchase more adapters if i needed.

I have had success using a single adapted to run both switches for the past week or 2 using a single adapted, but it needs to connect through the "change grip" method of controller connection.

I am also having the issue where starting the process for switch A causes process for switch B be to stop completely if it is not being started around the same time.

My friend has asked if I could also do the farming for him too so i'd like this work for more switches. Is there a max on how many it works for?

Thanks for creating this awesome project!

edit: condensing other follow-up comment from myself