The Owls Are Not What They Seem
This is a game of memory built for 2 players with jquery, javascript, css3, html5. The premise of the game is to find matching images and make more matches than your opponent. The images are randomized with a random.Math function so they show up in different spots every time. The player alternates based on a when matches are not made. HTML5 holds all of the elements, CSS3 styles with floats, and positioning for mobile responsivity, though game is best played on a screen larger than 800px.
Issues mostly occur when the squares are clicked too fast and there's not enough time to process if two match before a third square is clicked.
Next steps for this project would be to add in more animation on win, and track winners for rounds - holding that data true when you refresh the board, adding a stop music button, and of course, refactoring the code further so that it is shorter.
This game is based on the early 1990s tv show, Twin Peaks. The owls are a motif in the second season of the show.