
The Content is published in vercel: Website

Clone this project

Clone the project by running gh repo clone BroJenuel/i-love-vue

install dependencies

yarn install To install nuxt dependencies


You must create your own sanity project by running npm -y create sanity@latest, use default dataset configuration, choose Clean project with no predefined schema types, and then choose typescript. You can then copy the schema types of sanity on this project in ./sanity/schemaTypes. Then Run It by running yarn dev.

After creating your sanity project, go to sanity website under your project.<sanity project id>/api

And add CORS origins to avoid cors origin error: alt text

Then in the root folder add your sanity project id to .env file (check .env.example for the property name).

How to use Admin To Change Contents

I have created a video on how to use Admin To Change Contents.