
Unable to get response for SET command

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I am trying to set value for PeriodicInforNotif parameter from Controller. Default periodic is working with 60 sec. I want to change the value to 120.

Command in Executing file in Controller:

msg_id:"101" to_id:"proto::AgentA" stomp_agent_dest:"/queue/controller-notify-dest" stomp_instance:"1"
msg_type:"Set" update_objs{obj_path:"Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1." {param:"PeriodicNotifInterval" value:"120"}}

But, getting the below error. Could you please help ?

Error on Agent:
header {
msg_id: "101"
msg_type: SET_RESP
body {
response {
set_resp {
updated_obj_results {
requested_path: "Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1."
oper_status {
oper_success {
updated_inst_results {
affected_path: "Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1."
param_errs {
param: "PeriodicNotifInterval"
err_code: 7003
err_msg: "DATABASE_SetParameterValue(569): sqlite3_step failed (err=1032) attempt to write a readonly database"


Please help here to solve this issue

"attempt to write a readonly database" usually occurs due to permission errors. Perhaps the database was created as root, and you are not now running as root ?

For the "attempt to write a read only database" issue, if you're using the /tmp directory to store your USP DB then one possible cause might be:

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