
Type-safe function binding

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The statement let result: Result<R, _> ="function", &args); is good enough for simple scripts or plugins with one entry point, but doesn't scale well for plugin APIs (i.e. a set of functions).

Instead of letting the users write type-safe wrappers around call() statements, allow to simply declare the functions and generate the binding from it. Something along this might be nice (still need to check feasibility):

js_api! {
	trait MyApi {
		fn triple(num: i32) -> i32;
		// more functions...

fn main() {
	let script: Script = ...;

	// Link the trait to the script, possibly verify functions exist
	let api: Box<dyn MyApi> = script.bind_functions::<dyn MyApi>()?;
	// Call directly on the polymorphic trait object
	let x = api.triple(4)?;

Some points would need to be clarified:

  • generating binding in an easy way
  • is there a way to verify a binding before calling functions? (JS doesn't have typed signatures)
  • how to handle failing calls (exception, mismatched type)? always return Result?

Implemented in latest master and release 0.2.0-rc.0.