
Tuning webpage puts "conversionFactor" in the wrong file

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I generated a config for SwerveDrive using, and the robot code reports:

Unrecognized field "conversionFactor" (class swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson), not marked as ignorable (3 known properties: "imu", "invertedIMU", "modules"]) at [Source: (File); line: 8, column: 24] (through reference chain: swervelib.parser.json.SwerveDriveJson["conversionFactor"])

If I remove conversionFactor from swerveDrive.json, the code crashes again (but differently):

Error at swervelib.parser.SwerveParser.createSwerveDrive( Unhandled exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot assign field "angle" because "swervelib.parser.SwerveParser.physicalPropertiesJson.conversionFactor" is null

Since gets the angle and drive conversion factors from physicalproperties.json,

  public SwerveDrive createSwerveDrive(SimpleMotorFeedforward driveFeedforward, double maxSpeed,
                                       double angleMotorConversionFactor, double driveMotorConversion)
    physicalPropertiesJson.conversionFactor.angle = angleMotorConversionFactor; = driveMotorConversion;
    return createSwerveDrive(driveFeedforward, maxSpeed);

I tried moving "conversionFactor" to physicalProperties.json, and the code works.

Sorry! I mustve misread my own notes! I will fix this tonight.

Just fixed that! Thank you for pointing it out!