
Take over official snappy package on npm

kesla opened this issue · 11 comments

kesla commented


Are you interested in taking over the snappy-package on npm?

snappy is the first serious npm module I ever published, so I gotta be honest that it'll be a bit difficult to let it go, but since this project is snappier than mine, I think it would make sense.

My suggestion would be that I add you as a maintainer to the snappy package and that you publish a new version of it (as version 7.0.0 so that no existing installations of snappy are affected).
I would than also deprecate my repo on github, sending them your way instead.

Let me know what you think about my suggestion, I think it would be a cool thing to do.

Oh it's very coooooooool!!
Thank you for being so much affirmation of my project, I'm very excited.

My suggestion would be that I add you as a maintainer to the snappy package and that you publish a new version of it (as version 7.0.0 so that no existing installations of snappy are affected).

Yes. after this I will write a migration guite in README to help people upgrade to this project.

@kesla Hey I've opened a pull request here to finish the package rename job:

Feel free to review and leave some comments on it!

kesla commented

Very cool, the PR's looking good.

I added you as a maintainer to snappy on npm.

I'll deprecate my repo once you've published this as version 7 on npm!

kesla commented

I saw that you did a release of snappy 7, coming from this repo. Very cool!
I'm also referring people to your project from - so I think that that means we're done & that this can be closed, right?

Yes,thanks again!

Doe to this change, something went wrong and this library does not work well with mongodb nodejs driver now in v7.0.

@adityapatadia I will take a look soon

@adityapatadia it might, as library API has slightly changed and ie. uncompressSync doesn't support returning string anymore. I've just fall for the same issue.

cstmgl commented

Oh it's very coooooooool!! Thank you for being so much affirmation of my project, I'm very excited.

My suggestion would be that I add you as a maintainer to the snappy package and that you publish a new version of it (as version 7.0.0 so that no existing installations of snappy are affected).

Yes. after this I will write a migration guite in README to help people upgrade to this project.

Hi , any chance you can point me to that migration guide for people using the old API?