
FastCGI client library for .NET

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

FastCGI for .NET

This is a modified and maintained version of FastCGI by Lukas Boersma.

As a few breaking changes between the original version and this one were made, they are not compatible.

There are a number of steps required to move from the original version to this one.

View these changes here.

This is an implementation of FastCGI for .NET, written in C#. It implements the parts of the protocol that are necessary to build a simple web application using .NET.


Check out this place for releases.


I'm way too lazy to make extensive docs for this version. The original documentation by Lukas should work in most cases, but please view the Breaking Changes file to see what changed. Entirely new features are documented here.

Basic usage

The most common usage scenario is to use this library together with a web server like Apache and nginx. The web server will serve static content and forward HTTP requests for dynamic content to your application.

Have a look at the FastCGI.FCGIApplication class for usage examples and more information.

This code example shows how to create a FastCGI application and receive requests:

// Create a new FCGIApplication, will accept FastCGI requests
var app = new FCGIApplication();

// Handle requests by responding with a 'Hello World' message
app.OnRequestReceived += (sender, request) =>
    var responseString =
          "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
        + "Content-Type:text/html\n"
        + "\n"
        + "Goodbye, world!";

    request.WriteResponseString(responseString, Encoding.ASCII);

// Start listening on port 19000

Web server configuration

For nginx, use fastcgi_pass to pass requests to your FastCGI application:

location / {
    fastcgi_pass; # Pass all requests for / to your FastCGI server on port 19000.
    include fastcgi_params; # (Optional but very useful): Set several FastCGI parameters like the remote IP and other metadata.

For more details, refer to your web server documentation for configuration details:

License and contributing

This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. You can use it for your own projects for free under the conditions specified in LICENSE.txt.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me. Actually, I changed my mind. Don't.

If you think you found a bug, you can open an Issue on Github. If you make changes to this library, I would be happy about a pull request.