
Error:(29, 13) Failed to resolve: com.github.BrotherV:Floating-ArcMenu:bacf1b2857

Opened this issue · 18 comments

Error:(29, 13) Failed to resolve: com.github.BrotherV:Floating-ArcMenu:bacf1b2857

Hi, I added dependency for this library, you can use it easily. just don't remember to set minSdk 14 in your

where is this dependency ??

Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
compile 'com.github.BrotherV:Floating-ArcMenu:'

thanks it works , but arc:menuImage="" can't read drawable forlder , how can i set image to this button ??

If you have drawable folders, just put an image in one of these folders and add it such as this:

Or if you have mipmap folders, just put your image in one of them and add image such as this:

Which pen is the name of your image.

You should add an image to your project just by adding your image to drawable folder or midmap.
You must use "project" view to see whole folders of your project in android studio. Then go to "app/main/res/ " directory then you can see drawable or midmap folders which one is specified for different type of screen. Then copy your image in drawable_xxhdpi folder. After that you can it as i said in last commrnt.

Your welcome ;)

Thanks, I'm fine. How about you?!
I didn't get you. You mean, you want change the icon by pressing menu, am I right?
Tell me what you need from this menu and I will update it.

I will add a few methods for next version and you can use it easily in your projects.

Hello Sara, I added new methods to set 2 icons or set icon programmatically, even you can access to OnClickListener now.
Check new version

Hello dear Sara, actually you shoul try, I myself don't use xml for cildren and I prefer to add child programmatically. But I will wotk on it as soon as I could.