
Dynamic proxy setting

NickColley opened this issue · 9 comments

Loving the new UI work!

We have a device lab and it'd be awesome to be able to change where we're pointing all the devices at at runtime.

Is this something that can just be added via the UI?

I'd love to contribute this myself if so! :)

Do you litterally mean changing the proxy option at run time?

proxy: ""


I think so essentially yeah, we can get a poor mans version by taking the server down changing the proxy and bringing it back up.

@shakyShane know you're busy but, have you had a think about this? Would love to help :)

A simple script can be written to do the job. I'm not sure if browser-sync natively should provide this in UI. I personally use "nodemon example.js --watch dist" as soon as the dist file changes it restarts. @NickColley you can probably do something similar.

Idea is that anyone on the team can point the browsersync server at their machine without having to touch a command line etc.

+1 for this. Imagine BrowserSync running on a dedicated box (as part of the device lab). Developers run whatever application they are working on on their local machine (as normal) and need some way to quickly change where BrowserSync is proxying to so they can test.

It'd be nice for them to just be able to load the BrowserSync admin UI on their development (or any) machine and enter/update the proxy target address by editing it in a text field or something, then hitting the Sync All button to reload the correct (new) page on all the devices.

@WillsB3 yeah that's pretty much exactly our use case 👍

this will be built into v3 by default

Is there any way to do this today?