
When using `go get` to install, I get the following error:

pataquets opened this issue · 3 comments

cannot find package "" in any of:
        /usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
        /go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

Build fails. Using Golang 1.15.3.

I've found a related issue at pion/webrtc#683.

@BruceWangNo1 friendly ping, in case you're not getting notifications.

Sorry, @pataquets , I no longer maintain this project. Feel free to dive into this error and contribute a fix. 😃

Fair enough, @BruceWangNo1. Thanks for the response.
If you're unable or no longer interested in maintaining the software, you might be interested in adding someone which might be interested as co-maintainer or handing it over.
Judging by the amount of forks, it might be some interest, which could prevent the project from dying.
Some suggestions:

  • Posting it on
  • Placing a notice in the readme with looking-for-(co-)maintainers/unsupported-repo/whatever-you-see-fit, also maybe linking to...
  • An issue for interested (co-)maintainers to chime in.

Of course, it's just a suggestion which I bring to your consideration in case you find it useful. At the very least you'll avoid getting issues/PRs as people are aware of your availability.
In any case, thanks for sharing this software.