
AutoArchive Button is missing in tool menu

Opened this issue · 1 comments

As issue #16, I face the same issue that the AutoarchiveReloaded (v menu item doesn't appear in Tools menu. on Linux Mint 18.3, TB 52.7.0 (64-Bit) (German). I have only "Messaging Menu and Unity Laucher integration" as add-on installed beside of AutoArchiveReloaded

I was able to change the tool bar and add there the AutoArchiveReloaded action. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to run AutoarchiveReloaded since I have an imap folder.

Below you'll find an screenshot from my Tool menu in German.


Do you need any more information and something else?
(Or should I reopen the other issue !?)


Please try version
Either from or wait for the official release via the Thunderbird site