
Can AaR move mail between IMAP accounts?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a user who would like to move messages older than a certain date from one IMAP account to an Archives folder on another. When I tried this configuration with AaR, Thunderbird was busy for a few seconds, then idle and nothing was moved.

(When I changed the archive location to the Archives folder on Local Folders, it worked as expected.)

I just tried:
in account1 I set up the Thunderbird archive settings to archive to "other folder" and set up a folder of a second account.
Manually archiving of one message works (right mouse button on a message).
Also autoarchiving works.

If this does not work for you, I suggest to first try it with manually archiving of one message.
If this does not work, it is a general issue in Thunderbird and you should create a bug in

If the manual archiving works and the autoarchive does not work you may activate extended logging in the autoarchive settings.
Then do an autoarchive and have a look in the Thunderbird error console (Hamburger menu\extras\developer tools\error console) if there is some useful information.
If you post this error logging here, please be aware that it may contain personal information!