
No archiving any more

Opened this issue · 1 comments

RZP0 commented

Thunderbird 102.5.1

In the past, archiving was done without any problems according to my criteria. I don't know when it stopped archiving and why. Until January / February 2021 I still see regular archiving, after that I only find one archiving in November 2021. In 2022 there is no archiving at all, although there should be very many.

What do I have to do to make the archives work again?

Many greetings


It sounds like you are using the auto archiving at startup.

  • Have you already tried if the manual autoarchiving is still working (There should be a button in the toolbar or at least you can configure a button if you have disabled it).
  • if this does not work, please enable the extended logging in the autoarchive preferences. The do a manual autoarchive. Then have a look at in the error console. There should be a lot of logs from autoarchive now. Either you already find some information in the logs that help or post them here (but maybe clean private data out of it before)
  • if ony the archiving at startup is not working you can also enable the extended logging and then restart Thunderbird. Then have a look at the logs...