
Mistake in fixing mistake in PA10

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Aariq commented

There is no shoots column. Even without the shoots column, there aren't any rows with NA for tag number in row E column 5.

The full section of code:

PA10_data_2006$tag_number[PA10_data_2006$row=="E" &
                              PA10_data_2006$column=="5" & 
                              PA10_data$shoots==1 & #there is no shoots column
                    $tag_number)==TRUE] <- 765 #missing on csv, 2x on form
Aariq commented

Just checked and this is still in the current version of merge_with_PA10.R @embruna. I assume it should be
PA10_data$shts_2006==1 &, but not 100% sure.

Aariq commented

Is this fixed now?

gah, not sure - I'm at home doing some other stuff, I'll check tomorrow?
