
Phone Number Fetching Issue

vasimajmeri12 opened this issue · 10 comments


  • React Native Version : 0.60+
  • Platform: Android
  • Device: Redmi Note 7S
  • OS Version : 9 Pie


I am getting this error :


{"framesToPop":1,"nativeStackAndroid":[],"userInfo":null,"message":"There was an error trying to get the phone number.","code":"ACTIVITY_RESULT_NOOK_ERROR_TYPE","line":2130,"column":45,"sourceURL":"http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=android&dev=true&minify=false"}


Do you know what needs to be done to address this issue? Ideally, provide a pull request with a fix.

Getting the same on Samsung Galaxy S7 (Android 8) and Pixel 2 emulator (Android 10)

facing same issue with samsung A20

Does anyone know the cause for this? or have any solution?

I am also facing the same issue. Anyone?

Anyone find any solution ?

i am thinking its having bug. its not working at all.

any alternative library?

I get the same error with Samsung A21. Maybe because it's a double SIM CARD ??

Not working in latest android, however working in Android 8.1. Please somebody help

facing the same error with android 12 emulator device