MySQL 8 issues
SnowCreative opened this issue · 1 comments
I just installed MIGX on a site that uses MySQL 8.0.28, and I’m getting errors. I remedied these by turning off security settings in MySQL, but looking forward, these errors should probably be addressed.
After selecting MIGX in the Extras menu, I get four of these errors:
(ERROR @ /home/jcstsonl/modxcore/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 240) Error 42000 executing statement:
[0] => 42000
[1] => 1055
[2] => Expression #1 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
And I get this error when trying to save a new config:
ERROR @ /home/jcstsonl/modxcore/xpdo/om/xpdoobject.class.php : 1452) Error HY000 executing statement:
INSERT INTO mx_migx_configs
, formtabs
, contextmenus
, actionbuttons
, columnbuttons
, filters
, extended
, permissions
, fieldpermissions
, columns
, createdby
, createdon
, editedby
, deleted
, deletedby
, published
, publishedby
, category
) VALUES ('header slides', '', '', '', '', '', '{"migx_add":"","disable_add_item":"","add_items_directly":"","formcaption":"","update_win_title":"","win_id":"","maxRecords":"","addNewItemAt":"bottom","media_source_id":"","multiple_formtabs":"","multiple_formtabs_label":"","multiple_formtabs_field":"","multiple_formtabs_optionstext":"","multiple_formtabs_optionsvalue":"","actionbuttonsperrow":"4","winbuttonslist":"","extrahandlers":"","filtersperrow":"4","packageName":"","classname":"","task":"","getlistsort":"","getlistsortdir":"","sortconfig":"","gridpagesize":"","use_custom_prefix":"0","prefix":"","grid":"","gridload_mode":"1","check_resid":"1","check_resid_TV":"","join_alias":"","has_jointable":"yes","getlistwhere":"","joins":"","hooksnippets":"","cmpmaincaption":"","cmptabcaption":"","cmptabdescription":"","cmptabcontroller":"","winbuttons":"","onsubmitsuccess":"","submitparams":""}', '{"apiaccess":"","view":"","list":"","save":"","create":"","remove":"","delete":"","publish":"","unpublish":"","viewdeleted":"","viewunpublished":""}', '', '', 1, '2022-03-17 11:00:10', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '')
[0] => HY000
[1] => 1364
[2] => Field 'editedon' doesn't have a default value
The error references "editedon", but none of the date fields have default values.
I can reproduce this issue.