
Console Error, TV changes not saving

ostorres-pscu opened this issue · 0 comments

When trying to add a new record in my nested TV on the latest MODX and Latest MIGX, I get the following errors:

Add New TV:
Uncaught TypeError: i[(t.xtype || e)] is not a constructor
at Object.create (ext-all.js:21:125217)
at MODx.load (modx.js?mv=fd260ba9:86:38)
at field.onLoad (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :14:41)
at MODx.panel.MiGridUpdateinp_565_16_4.load (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :1141:27)
at (ext-all.js:21:3547)
at MODx.panel.MiGridUpdateinp_565_16_4.fireEvent (ext-all.js:21:668)
at MODx.panel.MiGridUpdateinp_565_16_4.callback (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :1111:22)
at constructor.i (ext-all.js:21:89759)
at ext-base.js:21:8903
at HTMLSpanElement. (ext-all.js:21:76282)

Saving TV:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getValue')
at field.onBeforeSubmit (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :39:26)
at MODx.window.UpdateTvItem.doSubmit (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :893:27)
at MODx.window.UpdateTvItem.submitUnclosed (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :876:14)
at S.onClick (ext-all.js:21:407804)
at HTMLSpanElement.A (ext-all.js:21:52931)

Closing TV Window:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'destroy')
at field.onHide (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :33:26)
at MODx.window.UpdateTvItem.onHideWindow (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :848:27)
at (ext-all.js:21:3547)
at MODx.window.UpdateTvItem.fireEvent (ext-all.js:21:668)
at MODx.window.UpdateTvItem.afterHide (ext-all.js:21:359670)
at MODx.window.UpdateTvItem.animHide (modx.window.js?mv=301pl:35:14)
at MODx.window.UpdateTvItem.hide (ext-all.js:21:359389)
at MODx.window.UpdateTvItem.cancel (eval at (ext-all.js:21:76205), :827:14)
at S.onClick (ext-all.js:21:407804)
at HTMLSpanElement.A (ext-all.js:21:52931)


This is my nested TV Form Tabs:

      "caption":"Offer Details",
          "caption":"Offer Type",
          "caption":"Offer Label",
          "caption":"Offer Copy",
          "caption":"Offer Disclosure",