
Hangman game - Clojure scripts

Primary LanguageClojure

ClojureStudies - A Functional Programming aproach

Using Clojure (Version 1.8.0) and REPL (Version 0.3.7), this Clojure Project was made for the functional programming classes. The main purpose of this Clojure Project was, by the implementation of an hangman game, learn the fundamentals of Clojure and the functional programming paradigm.

Project Structure

This project contains 4 directories within the project root:

  • doc: Clojure and Leiningen documentation;
  • resources: Clojure and Leiningen dependencies;
  • src: source code;
  • test: test directory.


brew install leiningen

Project Generation

lein new app _project name_

Clojure via terminal

lein repl

References Links


Read Eval Print Loop:
