Non Root with Virtual Space Support
QPLAYid opened this issue · 5 comments
Saya make virtual space blacbox32
Blacbox virtual app
Saya uds ijinin root penyimpanan tapi saat saya menambah padumper ke dalam virtualnya dan saya mendump apk jadi crash bisa kha
Kamu memperbaikinya ?
Atau membuatnya sumpport virtual apps ?
could you provide some logs? i can't run this BlackBox thing since it doesn't support A13
could you provide some logs? i can't run this BlackBox thing since it doesn't support A13
How to get log ?
After i get log i send for you
Sorry, the project is not supported for non root user at this moment.
I will consider to add support for non root user through virtual space (if possible)
Thank you for creating this issue, the non root support is added.
You may try the latest release
Thank you for creating this issue, the non root support is added. You may try the latest release