
[ERROR] Unable to find base address of file

QPLAYid opened this issue · 3 comments

as the error says, the game had no file named or global-metadata.dat you might wanted to verify if it's an Unity game or not, if it's an Unity game then maybe the file is named by another name, such as base.apk or something (this could happend if the game had an split apk for different architecture)

as the error says, the game had no file named or global-metadata.dat you might wanted to verify if it's an Unity game or not, if it's an Unity game then maybe the file is named by another name, such as base.apk or something (this could happend if the game had an split apk for different architecture)
Ini game unity saya telah memisahkan il2cpp dari anti split dan game mrmpunyai metadata

Game have metada and file il2cpp
I caut and paste il2cpp on split to lib game but paddumper error so i must manualy take metada and il2cpp