
[bgatlas] cell stats

groupsky opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Method: GET
  • Route: /bgatlas/cell/:utm_code/stats
  • Inputs: utm_code
  • Requires: authenticated user
  • Returns: count of distinct species from monitoring and/or bgatlas2008_species and top 3 users with most distinct species
    data: [{ user: {firstName: String, lastName: String}, species: Number}],
    count: Number

Test cases:

  • a cell with no observations and no species in bgatlas2008_species results in count: 0, data: []
  • a cell with no observation and one species in bgatlas2008_species results in count: 1, data: []
  • a cell with one observation and no species in bgatlas2008_species results in count: 1, data: [{user: ..., species: 1}]
  • a cell with two users each having one observation on the same species and no species in bgatlas2008_species results in count: 1, data: [{user: ..., species: 1}, {user: ..., species: 1}]
  • a cell with one observation and the same species in bgatlas2008_species results in count: 1, data: [{user: ..., species: 1}]
  • a cell with one observation and the different species in bgatlas2008_species results in count: 2, data: [{user: ..., species: 1}]
  • a cell with two users each having one observation on different species and a third species in bgatlas2008_species results in count: 3, data: [{user: ..., species: 1}, {user: ..., species: 1}]
  • a cell with four users each having one observation results in data.length = 3
  • an observation in a different cell results in count: 0, data: []
  • unauthorized request results in 401
  • unknown utm_code results in 404