
Language contibution [Français/French]

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Attach the file here

Here is the file translated into French, I hope I didn't make a mistake.

Oh wow, official server languages are pretty much covered now (Chinese doesn't count). Very appreciated, I'll include this in the next version!

A few new strings!~

"msgbox_feature_not_available_msg": "This feature is not available for selected server.",
"msgbox_install_1_msg": "Select where would you like to install the game.",
"msgbox_move_1_msg": "Select where would you like to move the game.",

Also a part of downloadcachebox_msg was changed as well, I need this translated:

"Full cache" contains the entire cache, including event pictures and settings. "Numeric files" contains settings only, those files are updated most frequently.

Two new strings.

"contextmenu_custom_launch_options": "Set custom launch options",
"msgbox_custom_launch_options_msg": "Advanced users may enter custom launch options here.\nNote: They are applied independently per server.",

Can you translate this little sentence?
Would you like to reset the installation information?

Hello ! Sorry for the delay

"msgbox_feature_not_available_msg": "Cette fonction n'est pas disponible pour le serveur sélectionné.",
"msgbox_install_1_msg": "Sélectionnez l'endroit où vous souhaitez installer le jeu.",
"msgbox_move_1_msg": "Sélectionnez l'endroit où vous souhaitez déplacer le jeu.",

"Cache complet" contient le cache entier, y compris les images des événements et les paramètres. "Fichiers numériques" contient uniquement les paramètres, ces fichiers sont mis à jour le plus fréquemment.

"contextmenu_custom_launch_options": "Définir les options de lancement personnalisées",
"msgbox_custom_launch_options_msg": "Les utilisateurs avancés peuvent saisir ici des options de lancement personnalisées.\nNote: Elles sont appliquées indépendamment par serveur.",

Can you translate this little sentence?
Voulez-vous réinitialiser les informations d'installation ?

In need of a translation again!
The entire game cache will be checked and can be downloaded if needed. It can take a while.\nHi3Mirror is a project courtesy of {0}.\nContinue?

Le cache complet du jeu sera vérifié et pourra être téléchargé si nécessaire. Cela peut prendre un certain temps.\nHi3Mirror est un projet de {0}.\nContinue ?

A couple of new ones.

"label_merged": "Merged {0}%",
"label_merge_speed": "Merge speed:",
"announcementbox_do_not_show": "Do not show me this next time",

"label_merged": "Fusionné {0}%",
"label_merge_speed": "Vitesse de fusion:",
"announcementbox_do_not_show": "Ne pas me montrer ça la prochaine fois",

I have changed msgbox_download_type_1_msg from

This will reset game's resource download type in an attempt to fix the infamous update loop which does not let you enter the game.\nContinue?


This will reset game's resource download type and allow you to reselect which assets to download.\nContinue?

Can you please retranslate that?

Cela réinitialisera le type de téléchargement des ressources du jeu et vous permettra de sélectionner à nouveau les ressources à télécharger.\nContinuer ?

Two new strings:

"contextmenu_open_screenshots_dir": "Open screenshots directory"
"msgbox_no_screenshot_dir_msg": "There are no screenshots. Go take some!"
Trilip commented

"contextmenu_open_screenshots_dir": "Ouvrir le répertoire des captures d’écran"
"msgbox_no_screenshot_dir_msg": "Il n’y a pas de captures d’écran. Va en prendre quelques-unes!"