
Language contribution [Czech]

Martinial opened this issue · 9 comments

Thanks, I forgot to include this one, can you translate it as well?

"announcementbox_do_not_show": "Do not show me this next time",

Thanks, I forgot to include this one, can you translate it as well?

"announcementbox_do_not_show": "Do not show me this next time",

yes, its "Příště už nezobrazovat"

Thanks, and I'm sorry but I forgot another few!

"label_merged": "Merged {0}%",
"label_merge_speed": "Merge speed:",

"Spojeno {0}%"
"Rychlost spojování:"

no worries lol

I have changed msgbox_download_type_1_msg from

This will reset game's resource download type in an attempt to fix the infamous update loop which does not let you enter the game.\nContinue?


This will reset game's resource download type and allow you to reselect which assets to download.\nContinue?

Can you please retranslate that?

yes, sorry for the late answer

"Toto restartuje způsob stahování herních zdrojů a povolí vám znovu vybrat, jaké zdroje chcete stáhnout.\nPokračovat?"

Two new strings:

"contextmenu_open_screenshots_dir": "Open screenshots directory"
"msgbox_no_screenshot_dir_msg": "There are no screenshots. Go take some!"

Two new strings:

"contextmenu_open_screenshots_dir": "Open screenshots directory"
"msgbox_no_screenshot_dir_msg": "There are no screenshots. Go take some!"

Hello, sorry for the late reply! I've honestly completely forgotten about this lol
Open screenshots directory = Otevřít úložiště snímků obrazovky
There are no screenshots. Go take some! = Nemáte žádné snímky obrazovky. Běžte nějaké vytvořit!

Hello, sorry for the late reply! I've honestly completely forgotten about this lol

Haha no worries, glad you still have interest!