
insert all columns or none

Closed this issue · 11 comments


I would like to insert all columns of the csv as field_columns (except timestamp, of course) and no columns as tag_columns. How would be the syntax?

(My CSV has too many columns to write in the main command... and doesn't have tag columns)

I tried:
--field_columns *
--field_columns all
--field_columns columns
--tag_columns none

but nothing works.

Hello @sonejostudios

Sorry for the delay. These days are busy days for me.
For now, the tag_columns is mandatory set.

I will release a new release late to remove these mandatory settings.
I will keep you posted.

Sorry for the delay again,

Hello @sonejostudios

In the new version v0.1.21, the --tag_columns is not mandatory any more.
Please try the new version on your side.

The current version cannot support the: *, all
You need to pass the filed name after --field_columns, --tag_columns

Thank you, and have a nice day to you

Hello @Bugazelle ,
thank you very much for the new version!
Still any chance to implement a "all" or "*" to add all columns as fields?
my csv-files have 150+ columns... thus this would be really nice :)
otherwise I'll first need create a list of the columns. Can I just pass a python list as field_columns argument ?

Hello @sonejostudios

Now the new version 0.1.22 should support the *.
Would you please try it on your side?
And let us know if you encounter any bugs.
Nice day to you. ;)

Take a sample here.

1. We have the demo.csv

2019-07-11 02:04:05,https://jmeter.apache.org/,1.434
2019-07-11 02:04:06,https://jmeter.apache.org/,2.434
2019-07-11 02:04:07,https://jmeter.apache.org/,1.200
2019-07-11 02:04:08,https://jmeter.apache.org/,1.675
2019-07-11 02:04:09,https://jmeter.apache.org/,2.265
2019-07-11 02:04:10,https://sample-demo.org/,1.430
2019-07-12 08:54:13,https://sample-show.org/,1.300
2019-07-12 14:06:00,https://sample-7.org/,1.289
2019-07-12 18:45:34,https://sample-8.org/,2.876

2. Use * to match all the columns to fields, and ignore tag

export_csv_to_influx \
--csv demo.csv \
--dbname demo \
--measurement demo \
--field_columns '*' \
--user admin \
--password admin \
--server \
--force_insert_even_csv_no_update True \

3. Validate data in influx

> use demo
Using database demo
> select * from demo
name: demo
time                response_time timestamp           url
----                ------------- ---------           ---
1562810645000000000 1.434         2019-07-11 02:04:05 https://jmeter.apache.org/
1562810646000000000 2.434         2019-07-11 02:04:06 https://jmeter.apache.org/
1562810647000000000 1.2           2019-07-11 02:04:07 https://jmeter.apache.org/
1562810648000000000 1.675         2019-07-11 02:04:08 https://jmeter.apache.org/
1562810649000000000 2.265         2019-07-11 02:04:09 https://jmeter.apache.org/
1562810650000000000 1.43          2019-07-11 02:04:10 https://sample-demo.org/
1562921653000000000 1.3           2019-07-12 08:54:13 https://sample-show.org/
1562940360000000000 1.289         2019-07-12 14:06:00 https://sample-7.org/
1562957134000000000 2.876         2019-07-12 18:45:34 https://sample-8.org/

And you could also use the python to run the ExportCsvToInflux programmatically

from ExportCsvToInflux import ExporterObject

exporter = ExporterObject()
exporter.export_csv_to_influx(field_columns='*', ...)

# You could get the export_csv_to_influx parameter details by:

Hi Bugazelle,
thank you very much!
I wanted to try it and upgraded it with pip:
Successfully installed ExportCsvToInflux-0.1.22

But I get a very weird behavior:
The export_csv_to_influx command is still the old one (linux).

vince@ISGLAP10:~$ export_csv_to_influx -v

Is this intentional?

Otherwise I tested the new verswion 0.1.22 programmally and it works just fine! :)

All the best,


Hello @sonejostudios

That's werid...
Would you please try to: sudo pip uninstall ExportCsvToInflux?
Try uninstall several times to make sure no history version

Then install again: sudo pip install ExportCsvToInflux

Hope it works

Hi Bugazelle,
I found the problem. I've got a separated anaconda venv and anaconda just took over my $PATH on .bashrc

... and I had the 0.1.20 version installed on this venv.

now it is fixed! Thank you!



now it works fine via the command line with all fields columns and no tag column.
But I still get this warning, is it intentional?

Warning: The input --tag_columns does not expected or leaves None. Please check the fields are in csv headers or not. Continue checking...

Hello @sonejostudios

Forget about this warning.
Here just notice the users the tag columns is None.

Hope the tool helps you.
Have a nice day to you! ;)

Hi @Bugazelle ,
of course, it really helps! thank you so much. :)

All the best!

@sonejostudios my pleasure!

All the best to you!!! 😄