
Build craft fluid pipe turning into null pipe

alltypesofcontent opened this issue · 4 comments


This is a glitch that will happen with some pipes and it is really annoying, what do I do about this?

could you provide a list of all the mods you have?

also, if you have any remote idea about how to trigger this issue, please tell us

i had this issue before, but it was inside a creative flat world where i was testing different mods (removing, adding, etc), so it would be expected to break, but we know nothing about your case

It just happens sometimes when I join the world. This link here has a folder with all the mods

It just happens sometimes when I join the world

if this always happens, i could recommend you to do this:

  1. Make a backup of that world
  2. Remove half of your mods (BUT DO NOT REMOVE BUILDCRAFT) and see if the issue still happens (try to keep mods and libraries together, for example: CD4017BE_LIB+AutomatedRedstone)
  3. Repeat as necessary (using copies of your world from that backup you made earlier)

once you have the minimum required quantity of mods that cause this issue, you can post that info and maybe we can find a way to fix it

but as i said, i honestly have no idea why this issue is triggered, so this method could not tell us the enough info, but it is better than nothing and we lost nothing from trying (since you don't have like 300 mods)

xJon commented

Also happening to me.

Edit: the only mods in common I have with @alltypesofcontent are ChickenASM, CodeChickenLib, ForgeMultipart and WR-CBE.

Edit 2: seems to always happen to the same specific pipes. E.g. here, 1 block away from chunk border, bottom left gold pipe: