
Add a report feature for the no of suggestions

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It would be great if a suggestion report could be generated for the last 7 days.

Usage: (allowed for Suggestion role, Staff)
=suggestion report [time (default=7d)]

Desired output:

In the last 7 days # suggestions have been made.
# Suggestions were approved
# Suggestions were denied
# Suggestions are currently in progress.

in progress would include suggestions that are "in-progress", "forwarded" and "more-info"


  1. We want to formalize the Management weekly reports and this would help the automation
  2. For users that are curious about the suggestion progress

i'll add this. since we're also adding moderation reports, i don't know if i should add all of them into a single report command (e.g., =report tasks, =report moderation, =report suggestions...)?

yeah that would work. maybe a report tickets would also be nice but tha tis a different bot right?

yeah, it's a different bot, but I could probably connect to its database somehow (but i'll see if it's doable since the bot is not even ours)

Yeah it is honestly not a big think as we can just count the number of logs for the bot to get the number pretty quickly.

anyways this all is going into the statistics bot (to be released in 8 years), and there's no need to transfer it there because it's a pretty basic/broad objective