
Does not import any images, nor canvases behind auth walls

valioDOTch opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
I download a .json file via the Chrome extension from a page behind an auth wall.
When I imported it to Figma all the images and canvas data on the web page is displayed as a grey box.

Expected behavior
When the extension detects that images are behind an auth wall, they are integrated into the JSON file (e.g. as base64 data URLs).

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
(no, the image data isn't available "behind" that upload button)

Additional context
I took a look at the JSON.
The image URLs are noted therein, but if they're behind an auth wall, that's obviously not making any sense.
Inline SVGs were imported though.
I wouldn't mind if the plugin wouldn't do any checks, but would just have have an option which includes all images as base64 data URLs without additional network fetches (they're probably not as simple to implement).

This is a great idea!