"Notice: Array to string conversion" when trying to use an array of filters
Closed this issue · 3 comments
According to documentation:
filter can be array of filters in this case serialized field will be also array. For example if you add annotation
@Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField(filter={"big", "small"})
However this seems to be broken or something. All I get is that error:
Notice: Array to string conversion
from class
If I put instead filter="small"
it works and serves the image URL with the filter "small". But I can't find a way to serve all filters for the image (using VichUploader also) and I really need it for my API. Any other way or any clue to solve this?
Example from project that now in production
@Bukashk0zzz\LiipImagineSerializableField(filter={"apartment_440", "apartment_1000"}, vichUploaderField="imageFile", virtualField="imageThumbs")
I think You need to add virtualField and all will work.
Thank you very much, works like a charm. Any chance to add it to documentation to make it crystal clear? So others don't make my mistake.
Documentation says:
Also there is another two not required options: vichUploaderField and virtualField
I guess it's the "not required" part that got me. Of course I knew that vichUploaderField was required but the virtualField could have a part where it says "it's required if you're using an array of filters" or something similar.
And/or adding it in the bottom example.
Anyways, great work with the bundle. And thanks again for your quick help.
BTW, nice avatar, The Chemical Brothers FTW haha.
@migmolrod thanks. I will update doc.