
Question: Pathfinder quests via API

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Is there any way to get active pathfinders (for pale heart destination and ritual activities) using API?

From elsewhere:

There are two root Presentation Nodes to look at:

The Pale Heart Pathfinder - https://data.destinysets.com/i/PresentationNode:1062988660
Rituals Pathfinder - https://data.destinysets.com/i/PresentationNode:622609416

You should be able to use Presentation Node visibility states to determine which child nodes of these root Pathfinder nodes are active for an account.

Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for

Btw, I'm not sure, but seems like I can track progress using Destiny2.GetProfile endpoint (/Platform/Destiny2/{membershipType}/Profile/{destinyMembershipId}/?components=700,900)