
This package will provide a easy way to add a breadcrumb with enough flexibility to your project.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

meteor-breadcrumb-plugin enchanced (FlowRouter Edition)

This package will provide a easy way to add a breadcrumb with more flexibility to your project.

I made change to add dynamic variables through the breadcrumb's helper. I haven't care about performances. You can help this package to grow by verifying performance then open a ticket or make a pull request.

Current Issues

  • It current utilizes a private variable within FlowRouter which may cause it to break on FlowRouter updates.( I'll submit an issue about this once the other issues are resolved)

The demo is here


  • Flow-Router >=2.0
  • Meteor >1.0


Use meteor add buom01:flow-router-breadcrumb to add the package to your meteor app


  • You need to add two parameters to your flow routes which are parent and title
  • You need to define breadcrumb template (see below)

1. Example Flow Router with multiple levels

In this example the Breadcrumb would look or the url /dashboard/analytics/books like: Dashboard / Analytics / Category Books

// Level 0
FlowRouter.route('/', {
  name: 'dashboard',
  title: 'Dashboard'

// Level 1
FlowRouter.route('/dashboard/analytics', {
  name: 'dashboard.analytics',
  parent: 'dashboard', // this should be the name variable of the parent route
  title: 'Analytics'

// Level 2
FlowRouter.route('/dashboard/analytics/books', {
  name: 'dashboard.analytics.books',
  parent: 'dashboard.analytics', // this should be the name variable of the parent route
  title: 'Category Books'

2. Exemple of template

For bootstrap:

<template name="breadcrumb">
    <ol class="breadcrumb">
        {{#each Breadcrumb}}
            <li class="{{cssClasses}}"><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a></li>

or semantic-ui:

<template name="breadcrumb">
  <div class="ui breadcrumb">
    {{#each Breadcrumb}}
      <a class="{{cssClasses}} section" href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a>
      {{#unless isCurrent}}<i class="right angle icon divider"></i>{{/unless}}

3. Example Dynamic Flow Route

In this example the Breadcrumb would look for the url /post/hello-world like: Home / Blogpost Hello-World

FlowRouter.route('/', {
  name: 'home',
  template: 'home',
  title: 'Home'

FlowRouter.route('/post/:_name', {
  name: 'post',
  parent: 'home', // this should be the name variable of the parent route
  title: 'Blogpost :_name' // the variable :_name will be automatically replaced with the value from the url or by the variable provided in the template

4. Example use of the de-slugify feature

It's a common thing to provide a slug of a title/name of document in route. This leads to breadcrumb in a form:

level 1 > My-awesome-title > level 3
What we usually want is for that to look like:

level 1 > My Awesome Title > level 3

If You specify the slug parameter in your route configuration like this:

title: ':param',
slug: '-'

Then all the '-' characters in the title will be changed into ' ' and the title will get capitalized as usual.

5. Don't forget the waiting time

If you use data provided by the template to the breadcrumb you will probably see undefined while data are loading. So use helpers to send [Loading...] instead of an undefined variable. {{> breadcrumb myvar=(load myDynamicLoadingVar)}}

Template.registerHelper('load', function(content){
  if(content) return content;
  return '[Loading...]';

6. Example access of the breadcrumb in Javascript

if (Meteor.is_client) {
  Template.analytics.rendered = function(){
    console.log(Breadcrumb.getAll()); // you can access the breadcrumb objects in a template helper as well