
Modified: #307 issue

Closed this issue · 2 comments

            => (route is not null && !route.DownstreamScheme.IsNullOrEmpty())
                ? route.DownstreamScheme
                : !service.Scheme.IsNullOrEmpty()
                    ? service.Scheme
                    : service.DownstreamPort
                            443 => Uri.UriSchemeHttps,
                            80 => Uri.UriSchemeHttp,
                            _ => conf?.Scheme ?? "http",
                        }; ```
   i've made change in GetScheme method instead of init **builder.Scheme** in if block.
   And this code now passing  **UseCorrectSchemeByPort** Test. If you prefer can change it.
   Or i can make a PR

released in 8.3.2

Thanks a lot