
File named `.config` is ignored for no reason

Mouradif opened this issue · 1 comments

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  • I have a different issue.

What version of ripgrep are you using?

ripgrep 14.1.0

How did you install ripgrep?

APT, Homebrew

What operating system are you using ripgrep on?

Ubuntu 22, Mac OS

Describe your bug.

Ripgrep ignores files named .config and I can't seem to be able to change that. I tried --no-ignore, --no-ignore-files, --no-ignore-global

What are the steps to reproduce the behavior?

  • create a file .config
  • put some text in it (like "some text")
  • run rg some or rg text
  • find nothing


  • rg --debug anything
rg: DEBUG|ignore::walk|crates/ignore/src/walk.rs:1799: ignoring ./.config: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Hidden))

What is the actual behavior?

$ mkdir folder
$ cd folder
$ echo 'some text' > .config
$ rg some
rg: No files were searched, which means ripgrep probably applied a filter you didn't expect.
Running with --debug will show why files are being skipped.
$ rg --debug some
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::parse|crates/core/flags/parse.rs:97: no extra arguments found from configuration file
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:1099: using heuristics to determine whether to read from stdin or search ./ (is_readable_stdin=false, stdin_consumed=false, mode=Search(Standard))
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:1109: heuristic chose to search ./
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:1260: found hostname for hyperlink configuration: Mourads-MacBook-Air.local
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:1270: hyperlink format: ""
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:174: using 8 thread(s)
rg: DEBUG|grep_regex::config|crates/regex/src/config.rs:175: assembling HIR from 1 fixed string literals
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 0 basenames, 12 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 0 regexes
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:448: glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: ".gitignored/*", re: "(?-u)^\\.gitignored/[^/]*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: true, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([Literal('.'), Literal('g'), Literal('i'), Literal('t'), Literal('i'), Literal('g'), Literal('n'), Literal('o'), Literal('r'), Literal('e'), Literal('d'), Literal('/'), ZeroOrMore]) }
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 9 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 1 regexes
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:448: glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: ".gitignored/*", re: "(?-u)^\\.gitignored/[^/]*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: true, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([Literal('.'), Literal('g'), Literal('i'), Literal('t'), Literal('i'), Literal('g'), Literal('n'), Literal('o'), Literal('r'), Literal('e'), Literal('d'), Literal('/'), ZeroOrMore]) }
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 9 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 1 regexes
rg: DEBUG|ignore::walk|crates/ignore/src/walk.rs:1799: ignoring ./.config: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Hidden))
rg: No files were searched, which means ripgrep probably applied a filter you didn't expect.
Running with --debug will show why files are being skipped.

What is the expected behavior?

Find a match in file .config

The second sentence of the README says (emphasis mine):

By default, ripgrep will respect gitignore rules and automatically skip hidden files/directories and binary files.

The GUIDE explicitly discusses what types of automatic filtering are employed and also how to disable or configure each one.

Finally, the debug logs you've included explicitly tell you the file is being ignored because it is hidden.

Use the -./--hidden flag to search hidden files.