
[ignore] Fallback to use git check-ignore or support hook iteration

tisonkun opened this issue · 3 comments

Since ignore is unaware of git index, there is a pitfall that a file force added to Git repository is ignored.

Currently, I write the logic below to switch the manner:

let walker = ignore::WalkBuilder::new(&self.basedir)
            .ignore(false) // do not use .ignore file
            .hidden(false) // check hidden files
            .follow_links(true) // proper path name
            .overrides( ... );

for mat in walker {
                if let Some(helper) = git_helper.as_ref()
                    && helper.ignored(mat.path())?

where ignored is a wrapper of git2::Repository::is_path_ignored.

However, this solution has a shortcoming that the walker iteration is determinated unaware of the Git ignore result, so it cannot skip directory ignored but must process all the files.

So I propose add an option to fallback to use git check-ignore or support hook iteration.

cc @BurntSushi

Or I may use Override directly and do a manual walk through. I don't give it a try though.

Try to use a bare Override with walkdir crate. So far so good - korandoru/hawkeye@e7be36c