
ripgrep does not properly apply ignore rules from .gitignore in parent directory

gstokkink opened this issue · 0 comments

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  • I have a different issue.

What version of ripgrep are you using?

ripgrep 14.1.0


PCRE2 10.42 is available (JIT is available)

How did you install ripgrep?


What operating system are you using ripgrep on?

macOS 14.3.1

Describe your bug.

ripgrep does not properly apply a glob pattern from a .gitignore in the parent directory

What are the steps to reproduce the behavior?

mkdir test
cd test
git init
mkdir -p foo/bar
echo quux > foo/bar/baz

rg -l quux # => foo/bar/baz, as expected

cd foo

rg -l quux # => bar/baz, as expected

cd ..

echo "**/bar" > .gitignore

rg -l quux # => no results, as expected

cd foo

rg -l quux # => no results, as expected

cd ..

echo "**/bar/*" > .gitignore

rg -l quux # => no results, as expected

cd foo

rg -l quux # => bar/baz ??

As you can see, ripgrep does not apply the ignore glob correctly in the last case.

What is the actual behavior?

rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::parse|crates/core/flags/parse.rs:97: no extra arguments found from configuration file
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:1099: using heuristics to determine whether to read from stdin or search ./ (is_readable_stdin=false, stdin_consumed=false, mode=Search(FilesWithMatches))
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:1109: heuristic chose to search ./
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:1260: found hostname for hyperlink configuration: gerjan-macbook-pro.local
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:1270: hyperlink format: ""
rg: DEBUG|rg::flags::hiargs|crates/core/flags/hiargs.rs:174: using 11 thread(s)
rg: DEBUG|grep_regex::config|crates/regex/src/config.rs:175: assembling HIR from 1 fixed string literals
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 0 basenames, 12 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 0 regexes
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 1 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 0 regexes
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 2 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 0 regexes
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:448: glob converted to regex: Glob { glob: "**/bar/*", re: "(?-u)^(?:/?|.*/)bar/[^/]*$", opts: GlobOptions { case_insensitive: false, literal_separator: true, backslash_escape: true, empty_alternates: false }, tokens: Tokens([RecursivePrefix, Literal('b'), Literal('a'), Literal('r'), Literal('/'), ZeroOrMore]) }
rg: DEBUG|globset|crates/globset/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 0 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 1 regexes

What is the expected behavior?

ripgrep should not have returned any matches