
.gitignore rule is matched incorrectly while in a subdir

woess opened this issue · 0 comments

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What version of ripgrep are you using?

ripgrep 14.1.0

How did you install ripgrep?

cargo install

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Describe your bug.

.gitignore rule to ignore /dir/*.ext works correctly when running rg from the repo root, but incorrectly ignores *.ext in all subdirs when running from dir.

What are the steps to reproduce the behavior? / What is the actual behavior?

mkdir /tmp/repro
cd /tmp/repro
git init
mkdir parent
mkdir parent/subdir
echo "/parent/*.txt" > .gitignore
echo "please ignore me" > parent/ignore-me.txt
echo "please don't ignore me" > parent/subdir/dont-ignore-me.txt

while in git repo root dir (/tmp/repro), everything is working as expected:

$ rg ignore
1:please don't ignore me

but once you cd into ./parent, suddenly the rule is unexpectedly applied to the file in subdir, too, and nothing is found:

$ cd parent
$ rg ignore
rg: No files were searched, which means ripgrep probably applied a filter you didn't expect.
Running with --debug will show why files are being skipped.

Debug output (argument parsing omitted: "no extra arguments found from configuration file", "heuristic chose to search ./"):

/tmp/repro $ rg ignore
rg: DEBUG|grep_regex::config|/…/grep-regex-0.1.12/src/config.rs:175: assembling HIR from 1 fixed string literals
rg: DEBUG|globset|/…/globset-0.4.14/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 0 basenames, 12 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 0 regexes
rg: DEBUG|globset|/…/globset-0.4.14/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 0 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 1 required extensions, 0 regexes
rg: DEBUG|ignore::walk|/…/ignore-0.4.22/src/walk.rs:1799: ignoring ./.git: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Hidden))
rg: DEBUG|ignore::walk|/…/ignore-0.4.22/src/walk.rs:1799: ignoring ./.gitignore: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Hidden))
rg: DEBUG|ignore::walk|/…/ignore-0.4.22/src/walk.rs:1799: ignoring ./parent/ignore-me.txt: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Gitignore(Glob { from: Some("./.gitignore"), original: "/parent/*.txt", actual: "parent/*.txt", is_whitelist: false, is_only_dir: false })))
1:please don't ignore me

/tmp/repro/parent $ rg ignore
rg: DEBUG|grep_regex::config|/…/grep-regex-0.1.12/src/config.rs:175: assembling HIR from 1 fixed string literals
rg: DEBUG|globset|/…/globset-0.4.14/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 0 basenames, 12 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 0 required extensions, 0 regexes
rg: DEBUG|globset|/…/globset-0.4.14/src/lib.rs:453: built glob set; 0 literals, 0 basenames, 0 extensions, 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes, 1 required extensions, 0 regexes
rg: DEBUG|ignore::walk|/…/ignore-0.4.22/src/walk.rs:1799: ignoring ./ignore-me.txt: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Gitignore(Glob { from: Some("/tmp/repro/.gitignore"), original: "/parent/*.txt", actual: "parent/*.txt", is_whitelist: false, is_only_dir: false })))
rg: DEBUG|ignore::walk|/…/ignore-0.4.22/src/walk.rs:1799: ignoring ./subdir/dont-ignore-me.txt: Ignore(IgnoreMatch(Gitignore(Glob { from: Some("/tmp/repro/.gitignore"), original: "/parent/*.txt", actual: "parent/*.txt", is_whitelist: false, is_only_dir: false })))
rg: No files were searched, which means ripgrep probably applied a filter you didn't expect.
Running with --debug will show why files are being skipped.

What is the expected behavior?

/tmp/repro/parent $ rg ignore
1:please don't ignore me