
Support decompression flags / smart use of zstd --long

catleeball opened this issue · 1 comments


When uzing rg --search-zip to search .zst files, if the file was compressed with special settings like --long, trying to decompress will fail[1] unless you use the corresponding --long flag when decompressing[2].

Feature request

It would be nice if either:

  1. rg would allow me to pass the compression tool some flags, or
  2. rg could somehow detect if a flag like --long was needed and apply it on decompression

Pursing 1 might also be useful for things like passing a dictionary to zstd.

I also opened a bug in the zstd repo to see if they can do some nicer auto-detection. It seems like there could be other useful use-cases for this feature in ripgrep though.

I know this might be niche! But I figured I would raise the issue for people like me who are trying to search corpora that have been aggressively compressed. Then I can just rg the corpora directory like usual without doing some fiddly shell scripting to decompress things properly. :)

Thank you!


[1] Example error:

sions/RS_2018-01.zst : Decoding error (36) : Frame requires too much memory for decoding                                                                                                      
sions/RS_2018-01.zst : Window size larger than maximum : 2147483648 > 134217728                                                                                                               
sions/RS_2018-01.zst : Use --long=31 or --memory=2048MB                                                                                                                                       

[2] In this case, like the error message suggests, I can decompress these files if I use the --long=31 flag.

This seems like something zstd should be doing. And even if it can't or won't, you can use the --pre flag to handle this case.