
JSON indexing off

kochbj opened this issue · 4 comments

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ripgrep 14.0.3 (rev 3f2fe0a)


PCRE2 is not available in this build of ripgrep.

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Compiled myself.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9 (Maipo)

Describe your bug.

Running rg with json output sometimes produces an indexing error for the start and end indices by 2-5 characters.

What are the steps to reproduce the behavior?

rg --json "monoclonal antibody" PMC1395485.txt

What is the actual behavior?

{"type":"match","data":{"path":{"text":"PMC1395485.txt"},"lines":{"text":"Reagents—The αIIbβ3 antagonist lotrafiban was supplied by GlaxoSmithKline (King of Prussia, PA). The anti-Rac (23A8) monoclonal antibody was purchased from Upstate Biotechnology (TCS Biologicals, Bucks, UK). Anti-Rac2 polyclonal antibody and anti-Rac3 polyclonal antibody were generously provided from Gary Bokoch (Scripps Institute, La Jolla, CA) and Ivan de Curtis (San Rafaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy), respectively. The cDNA for the GST-CRIB domain of PAK1 prepared as described previously (21) and the active form of Rac (L61Rac) were the kind gifts from Dr. Doreen Cantrell (Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK). D-Phenyl-alanyl-1-prolyl-1 arginine chloromethyl ketone was purchased from Calbiochem. Fibrinogen depleted of plasminogen, VWF, and fibronectin was from Kordia Laboratory Supplies, Leiden, Netherlands. VWF was a generous gift from Michael C. Berndt (Monash University, Clayton, Australia). All other reagents were from Sigma or previously named sources (22, 23).\n"},"line_number":52,"absolute_offset":7544,"submatches":[{"match":{"text":"monoclonal antibody"},"start":121,"end":140}]}}

What is the expected behavior?

{"type":"match","data":{"path":{"text":"/kellogg/proj/dashun/PMC_open_access_subset/20231215/manuscript/txt/PMC001xxxxxx/PMC1395485.txt"},"lines":{"text":"Reagents—The αIIbβ3 antagonist lotrafiban was supplied by GlaxoSmithKline (King of Prussia, PA). The anti-Rac (23A8) monoclonal antibody was purchased from Upstate Biotechnology (TCS Biologicals, Bucks, UK). Anti-Rac2 polyclonal antibody and anti-Rac3 polyclonal antibody were generously provided from Gary Bokoch (Scripps Institute, La Jolla, CA) and Ivan de Curtis (San Rafaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy), respectively. The cDNA for the GST-CRIB domain of PAK1 prepared as described previously (21) and the active form of Rac (L61Rac) were the kind gifts from Dr. Doreen Cantrell (Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK). D-Phenyl-alanyl-1-prolyl-1 arginine chloromethyl ketone was purchased from Calbiochem. Fibrinogen depleted of plasminogen, VWF, and fibronectin was from Kordia Laboratory Supplies, Leiden, Netherlands. VWF was a generous gift from Michael C. Berndt (Monash University, Clayton, Australia). All other reagents were from Sigma or previously named sources (22, 23).\n"},"line_number":52,"absolute_offset":7544,"submatches":[{"match":{"text":"monoclonal antibody"},"start":117,"end":136}]}}


Thanks as always for such a great tool. I have noticed inconsistencies in the indexing of matches when using json mode. Sometimes the indexing is as expected, but sometimes the characters are a few characters off from the start of the line when the text field is loaded as a string in python. If this isn't a bug and there's a reason for the discrepancy, please let me know!

All best,

The start and end fields represent byte offsets (see the format doc), and that particular line starts with "Reagents—The αIIbβ3", which contains 3 characters that are encoded on more than 1 byte: "—" takes 3 bytes, "α" and "β" take 2, which use 4 more bytes than if they were encoded on a single byte each, hence the difference you see.

The output you've shown is correct. Here is a verification:

$ rg --json "monoclonal antibody" PMC1395485.txt | rg '"type":"match"' | jq '.data.line_number, .data.submatches[].start, .data.submatches[].end'

$ head -n52 PMC1395485.txt | tail -n1 | dd ibs=1 skip=121 count=19 2> /dev/null
monoclonal antibody%

$ head -n152 PMC1395485.txt | tail -n1 | dd ibs=1 skip=611 count=19 2> /dev/null
monoclonal antibody%

Please read the JSON format docs closely: https://docs.rs/grep-printer/latest/grep_printer/struct.JSON.html

You'll note that the offsets are very specifically defined as byte offsets.

So when you use those offsets in some context, you need to make sure they are being interpreted as byte offsets. They may not be. Hint: Since you didn't provide any code and I thus cannot be sure, offsets for Python strings are codepoint offsets.

Wonderful. thanks guys. When in doubt, RTFM. Sorry for opening an issue!