
Do a pass over documentation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Before the stable release, we should do a full pass over the crate documentation and make sure:

  • There aren't any grammatical errors in the prose
  • It all flows nicely
  • The examples are easy to follow and all make sense
  • The links to other items all work

broken trait links found under struct same_file::Handle
impl AsRawHandle for Handle
impl IntoRawHandle for Handle
All the links contain

Valid links replace it with
valid links are

Thanks @gurgalex! Would you like to open a PR that fixes those up?

I'm not sure where or how the links are being generated sadly.
The src link points to here, but there are no links there. So I assume something is linking to the std library docs automatically.

How is cross platform defined?
Does that mean it supports all tier 1 platforms?

Oh I see, those are rustdoc links, not links we've added to the prose. It looks like the unix-specific links are all ok. Maybe there's just a mismatch between the nightly that generated the docs on docs.rs and where it ends up linking? I'm not really sure though, I'll do some digging but hopefully a new release will just magically fix that.

How is cross platform defined?

Excellent question! My reading is that it means all tier 1 platforms are fully supported with a consistent API.

I did a brief pass over the docs and everything looks good to me. I don't think I checked every link, but we can clean those up whenever.