
[suggestion] ini format should follow standard

Opened this issue · 8 comments

  1. '.ini' extension name is better than '.wini' to let vim/other editors happy without exta settings.
  2. '=' is better then ':=', that let vim syntax highlight work better. And it save the time of typing.
  3. I assume https://github.com/vaughan0/go-ini could help you to parse ini file

I fully admit that I made a poor decision initially, but I wanted to have simple variable substitution. In retrospect, that feature didn't turn out to be so useful. If I switch to anything, it will be toml. But switching is difficult, and would require every user to update their config files.

This isn't me saying "no", but it is me saying, "yeah, would be nice, but it just isn't a priority right now."

I just understood .wini has its purpose of assign variable. That's another issue to provide syntax hightlight for vim.

Honestly, I'm not at all concerned about syntax highlighting. That has absolutely no bearing on my decision. Particularly since most of the config files are bindings to gribble commands, which has no syntax highlighting at all.

I agreed. So, close this issue, and if one day gribble have someone provide 3rd party syntax highlight file. Then it works.

Leaving it open. I've actually been wanting to do this for a while already. It would remove a boat load of code from Wingo, which is a win. I'm just not sure when it will happen.

@dlintw You can easily just switch on the highlighting mode for the file you're in? I'm not a Vim user but in Emacs switching highlighting modes is trivial.

@BurntSushi One possible idea is to support both formats (or even a multitude of formats) instead of a single one. Explain the hierarchy of formats and allow users to choose. More work on your part but less annoyance for users.

I found the natural meaning of the setting file is different. As .ini format, every variable can assign once, and the latter will overwrite first. But in wingo's config files, it will do all the actions.

Yes. wini is not ini. Wingo's config situation is very unfortunate, but I'm not breaking backwards compatibility at this point until a Wingo 2. At which point, I'll be rethinking config entirely.