
Project title: Stock management

Background: Nowadays, most of the shops are functioning offline as well as in an online regime. This allows some people to create their team and work remotely which always requires good communication skills and time. However, you may request some information from the shopkeeper and for some reason, the process may take some longer time. From my personal experience, I know that it is very hard to work with a team and wait for their response the whole day. For the record, I help my sister with her social media management and I always need to know what is available at this moment to answer online clients' questions and post stories of available items on Instagram. Firstly, I request from my sister and she requests this information from her assistant. Then she comes back to me and I do my work further. As you see, it takes not only my time but it takes the time of other team members as well.

Project description:

As a solution to the issue raised in the background section, I came up with a simple but very useful desktop app that will make our team more efficient. Once a shopkeeper sells a product, she/he may record it in this app and all of the members can see the availability of items and work accordingly. For example, a manager can trace the availability and order the products if needed; social media manager can promote the available products independently, the shop keeper may look up descriptions in case if she forgets some details. The purpose of stock control is to reduce the costs of holding stock while ensuring you can meet customer demand and making sure that there's enough product for sellings. Businesses should always have a 'safe' amount of stock so that they're able to react and cover any unforeseen issues. First, there is a window where the team member can find a list of available items. By selecting one of them, a teammate may find descriptions, price, amount of an item in stock, and its image. Right here, a shopkeeper can accomplish the records of sellings which will modify the previous information. Second, there is another window where the shop keeper can make some updates/ changes or can add a new item to the stock. It will give others an idea about the details of a new product.

Software & Libraries:

  1. JavaFX SDK 11.0.2 (
  2. Scene Builder 11.0.0 (
  3. IntelliJ IDEA (
  4. Instruction to set up: (
  5. For VM options :--module-path ${PATH_TO_JAVAFX} --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml ;${PATH_TO_JAVAFX} - path to JavaFX library

Planned app's features:

  1. Provide a list of the items in a stock
  2. Create an opportunity to see information about each item individually
  3. Add/update information
  4. Keep track of the availability of an item
  5. Create a cheet book for a shop keeper to remind prices and appearances.
  6. Connect this app to non-local databases
  7. Add a search bar to the listView window

Completed features:

  1. Make a list of the items in a stock\n
  2. Create an opportunity to see information about each item individually\n
  3. Add/update information\n
  4. Keep track of the availability of an item
  5. Create a cheet book for a shop keeper to remind prices and appearances.

Further improvements:

  1. Connect this app to non-local databases
  2. Add a search bar to the listView window